Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Annie and her cousins had fun decorating cookies.
Car rides make Billy very tired.
Our Ole Miss Cheerleader
John Thomas has "his turn" holding Billy each night.
Annie and John Thomas are great helpers with Billy's bath.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Four Weeks Old

Billy at four weeks old.

David and the boys lounging around.Cowboy John Thomas

John Thomas loves to hold his new baby brother.

Bob Vila training his future helper.

Billy met his first crush, Gigi!

Annie and her twin cousins, Eloise and Lauren, enjoying their Scooby Doo push ups.

Day at the park.

Billy loves to be held.

Annie always makes sure Billy has his pacifier.

Billy in a "milk coma".

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Home from the Hospital

Annie & John Thomas love taking turns holding their new baby brother!!

Leaving the Hospital. Grandmother Jo's hand painted banner welcomed all of Billy's visitors.

Welcome Home Billy

Annie is proud of her little brother. And, she tells everyone that he can't talk yet.

Sleeping Peacefully at 4 Days Old

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Billy has Arrived

Hey we just wanted to let everyone know that Billy arrived today.

William Hales Neill
August 9, 2007 @ 10:01 AM
Weight 8 lbs 8 oz
Length 20 ½ Inches

Both Billy and Jeramy are doing great. Annie & John Thomas are so excited about their new brother finally arriving. We have some pictures that are attached. We will keep the blog updated with pictures and progress.